Official Office Holidays (All offices closed)
New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King’s Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day
Annual In-Service Day (All offices closed for mandatory employee training)
Columbus Day
Tax Calendar
- January
Receive a 2% discount on real estate and personal property taxes.
4th quarter previous year tourist tax is due on January 20th.
- February
Receive a 1% discount on real estate and personal property taxes.
4th installment tax bill mailed the last week of February- March
Reminder tax bills are mailed in March
Property Tax, real estate and personal property must be paid in full by March 31st.
The fourth and final property tax installment payment is due by March 31st. Tax payers currently enrolled in the installment program do not need to reapply to continue in the program.
- April
All unpaid real estate property taxes and personal property taxes, for the previous year, become delinquent April 1st.
A 3% interest charge is added to the gross amount for any unpaid real estate property taxes. Delinquent real estate property parcels will be advertised in a local newspaper and the cost of the advertising will be added to the amount due.
A 1.5% per month interest charge is added to the gross amount for any unpaid personal property taxes. Delinquent personal property parcels will be advertised in a local newspaper and the cost of the advertising will be added to the amount due.
Tax payers, who are not in the property tax installment program, must have applications in the Tax Collector’s office by April 30th to be enrolled for the next year’s property tax installment payment plan.
First quarter current year, annual/seasonal, and semi-annual Tourist Tax returns are due on April 20th. A return is due for every account holder, even if there is no income to report. Tourist Tax Return Forms that are postmarked after April 20th will be assessed a late filing penalty.- May
Delinquent personal property taxes and real estate taxes are advertised in a local newspaper. The delinquent personal property taxes will be advertised one time. The list of delinquent real estate taxes is advertised once a week for three consecutive weeks prior to the tax certificate sale.
The tax certificate sale for delinquent real estate taxes starts on or before June 1st.
First installment tax bill mailed the last week of May.- June
Warrant processing begins for delinquent personal property taxes on June 1st.
First installment payment is due by June 30th. If the first installment payment is not made by June 30th that account will be canceled from the installment payment plan and the tax bill, showing the total amount due, will be mailed the last working day of October.
Registration renewal for passenger vehicles and trucks under 5,000 pounds, which are registered in the name of a company, are due by June 30th.- July
Second quarter current year Tourist Tax report is due on July 20th.
Business Tax receipt renewals are due .- August
Second installment tax bill mailed the last week of August.
- September
Business Tax Receipts must be renewed by September 30th or they will become delinquent.
Second installment payment for property taxes is due by September 30th.- October
Business Tax receipts become delinquent October 1st and late fees are applied.
Third quarter current year and semi-annual Tourist Tax reports are due on October 20th.
All Real Estate and Tangible Personal Property tax bills, for the current year , are mailed the last working day of October.
- November
Collection of the new property tax roll begins. Receive a 4% discount on real estate and personal property taxes.
Third installment tax bill mailed the last week of November.
- December
Receive a 3% discount on real estate and personal property taxes.
Third installment payment for property taxes is due by December 31st.
Registration renewal of trucks over 5,000 pounds, truck-tractors, semi-trailers, nine-passenger and over vehicles for hire, are due by December 31st.
Mobile home decals expire December 31st.