Property Tax FAQ

Property Taxes FAQ

My notice says, "DO NOT PAY" I don't have an escrow account.

Please submit your payment promptly in order to ensure advantage of the discount.

I just bought this property, is this bill for my portion only?

The tax notice covers the calendar year as described on the bill. If you check your closing statement you will find the taxes were probably pro-rated at closing and the purchase price is adjusted accordingly. Therefore, the tax bill is due in full. If you have any further questions, contact your closing agent for assistance.

What year is this bill for?

The taxes are for the calendar year as stated on the top of the bill. Non-Ad Valorem assessments have their own fiscal period. Contact the specific taxing district for further information.

Can I pay my taxes with my credit card?

The tax collectors office accepts credit card payments for current year taxes only. There is a convenience fee charged by our service provider (Grant Street Group) for processing credit and debit card transactions. There is no charge for payment by echeck.

What is the Non-Ad Valorem charge for?

The individual districts provide the Non-Ad Valorem assessment information to the Tax Collector. Any questions should be directed to the specific taxing district.

Where do I get information about exemptions or the value of my property?

Contact the Property Appraisers office at (239) 252-8141 or their web site

What does it mean on my bill "PRIOR YEARS TAXES REMAIN UNPAID"?

This is our way of notifying you of delinquent taxes. Please note delinquent taxes continue to accrue interest each month until paid.

I sold this property, what should I do with this bill?

Please forward the bill to the new owner if possible. You may wish to contact your closing agent for assistance, or you may return the bill to our office.

What amount do I pay?

Florida law provides a discount for early payment. Pay the amount in the box for the month you are paying in. i.e.: in November pay the November amount, in January pay the January amount, OR in March pay the March amount. PAY ONLY ONCE!

The notice I received is only one copy, what do I send with my payment?

Please send the lower portion of your notice with your payment.

When do tax bills come out?

Tax notices are mailed on the last working day of October. Taxes become due and payable November 1st and delinquent April 1st.

How do I change my mailing address?

Contact the Property Appraisers office at (239) 252-8141 or their web site

What do I do if I think there is an error on my bill?

Contact the Property Appraisers office at (239) 252-8141 or their web site

Do you offer a senior citizen discount?

Exemptions are considered by the Property Appraisers office at (239) 252-8141 or their web site

Why doesn't my tax bill say the same amount as my notice of proposed taxes?

The notice of proposed taxes gives you a general idea of what taxes could be. Keep in mind the notice of proposed taxes does not include any non-ad valorem assessments.

I don't understand this tax notice, what amount do I pay?

The State allows you a discount for early payment,
please see explanation of tax notice.

Why haven't I received my tax notice?

You may have changed your address recently and if you have you need to give notice to the office of the Property Appraiser.

Why haven't I received my paid receipt yet?

We no longer send out paid receipts. You can
go here and view your payment information or
you may go to any of our offices to receive payment information.

Can I get a duplicate tax receipt for a beach-parking sticker if I left my receipt up north?

We will be happy to provide you with a duplicate tax receipt at the main office or any of our satellite offices.

Can I pay my tax bill on installments?

Section 197.222, Florida Statutes, allows an alternative plan for payment of property taxes. A taxpayer who elects to pay taxes by the installment method shall make payments based upon an estimated tax which shall be equal to the actual taxes levied upon the property in the preceding year of more than $100.00. You can print out an installment application by clicking here. Please send completed form to the Tax Collector's Office.

What information do I need to send a wire transfer to pay my taxes?

You can obtain wire transfer information by calling our office at 239-252-8171

Where do I mail my tax payment?

Payments can be mailed to:
Collier County Tax Collector
Attn: Property Tax Department
3291 Tamiami Trail East
Naples, FL 34112